LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON this fellow kinds of resembles Him I think. 




I realize that it is considered plumb unpatriotic to bad mouth a former President, but the framers of the constitution put “Free Speech clause in the constitution that did not rule out any one.  Just don’t yell fire in a theater like some one did in Winnsboro at the show one night.  Uncle Ben Johnson (no relation to LBJ) got trampled pretty bad.  He was at the end of the row and just did not get up fast enough.  It was some sight to be hold to those waiting to get in the full picture show to get over.  I was inside and just sat in my seat until ever one got out and went out with the last ones.  I did not yell but I know who did but the secret is safe with me. But back to ole LBJ, the only man that put himself into the Navy as a Commander went to the South Pacific, flew around until a Jap Plane shot at His plane then went home and gave Himself a Medal.  Want to know more you will have to research it for yourself.


Years ago many of you don’t know about this so if you want to know more get with some old 60-80 year old person for more of the story because what happened is truth. You could find it in an American history book with copright date of about 1970.  A member of congress was big in helping get the “Dixiecrat” party started it and made old LBJ and the rest of the Democrats mad as a cluster of old wet setting hens.  This was after the war and the Democrats wanted to stay in office back so they could continue to steal awhile. I can prove Congressmen steal they admit every chance they get. Harry Truman was nominated by the Democrats and that made some members of Congress mad because of His liberal ideas.  Politicians that believed in strong Central government were considered Liberals and those that believed in more power going to the states were considered Conservative.  The disgruntled Democrats that thought Truman too Liberal and had sold out to the Liberal Wing of the Democratic party. They broke away and formed the “Dixiecrats” party.  That made ole LBJ some mad because He was from Texas and was inline for a promotion in the Democratic party but had to kind of remain neutral and that steamed Him but good.  Now a Texan (as LBJ’s personal life time Attorney said} would pay an enemy or enemy action back first chance He got. Well He got His chance when JFK got murdered under mysterious circumstances down Texas way. LBJ was now the “Stud Horse” of the main White Stable and took JFK’s Civil Rights Law, pumped it up to just include those States that went Dixiecrat and enforced it to the letter of the law and did nothing to the rest of the whole Nation, but mourn JFK by building and or just naming roads, streets, bridges, and buildings after JFK and MLK. MLK got murdered about the same time.


But it looks as if forward thinking Blacks and Whites just might be ready to forget the politics of old and come into modern times and lo and behold some of the old folks that got rich out of the racism of the past wants to pass the coming riches to their legal and un-legal Grandchildren.  I sure hope not. Be sure and vote.